Abortion, the Fetus, and Exodus 21

The Bible claims that a fetus is not a person! Or so goes the “pro abortion” argument.

In the video below, I interact with an article by Melanie Howard that was posted on The Conversation. The article is entitled “What the Bible says about abortion may surprise you.” In it she argued that while abortion existed in biblical times, the Bible says nothing about it. Therefore, it must be ok.

This is, of course, a non sequitur.

Here is a link to the article: https://theconversation.com/what-the-bible-actually-says-about-abortion-may-surprise-you-186983

She also points out that in the New Testament, Jesus complimented women on going against social norms with their bodies. In both of the examples she gave, the woman with the issue of blood and Mary pouring perfume on Jesus’ feet, nothing remotely connected to abortion is mentioned. No one got hurt when those women approached Jesus.

Howard also argued that Exodus 21:22-23 reveals that an unborn fetus does not receive the same value as a human life. If a pregnant woman is hurt during a scuffle, and a miscarriage ensues, the perpetrator is not charged.

However, this is a misreading of this text. It turns out that it actually takes a strong pro-life stance.

Abortion is a moral issue rather than a political one. However, Howard indicates that while Christians are entitled to their views, but cannot claim that the Bible addresses abortion.

Please watch the video for a more detailed criticism of the argument.

Also, check out my playlist on abortion here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcUxE-Dfb1To1RdZ24dIe5QCuCXMzONwl

My two latest videos on abortion:
Abortion – It IS about the babies – https://youtu.be/GT8huZh8tC8
Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life: What is the difference? – https://youtu.be/Jh-TAzvWjo0

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