Abortion: How should we respond?

Social media has been buzzing with everyone’s latest opinions about the recent laws supporting abortion. Some posts are virulent—filled with venom toward politicians or the women having the abortions. Then there are the ones that at first glance seem more spiritual. Statements that carry the idea of “Stop being so hateful!” and “Love these people” swing the pendulum supposedly back from the side of the Devil to the side of Jesus.

Back and forth the pendulum swings—hate everyone involved with abortion…no…love everyone involved with abortion. Those of us who are incensed over the slaughtering of unborn children find ourselves hanging in the middle—do we take our stand against abortion or overlook this travesty in the name of “love?”

Let’s break from the standard emotion-driven-thought-deprived social media barf and actually think for a moment.

I live in northwest Indiana, just close enough to Chicago that our television stations beam from the Windy City. Therefore, we have the dubious privilege of hearing of the constant murders that plague Chicago. The common thought: “Why doesn’t someone do something about this?” The police should step up. Politicians should enact some magic to rid the city of crime. Someone should do something.

I have a better idea. Let’s not say anything about the killings. After all, the thug that shot his rival in cold blood may have been suffering from some malady that prompted his thoughtless action. And don’t fault the police; they shouldn’t force their morality on others. While we’re at it, let’s not blame the politicians either—in fact, let’s ask them to legalize murder. Then everyone’s happy, right?

That’s stupid. No one thinks that way. That is, unless if the victim is an unborn child. Abortion is nothing short of murder. Every time this atrocity takes place, many people are involved: the mother who schedules the procedure, the father who pushes her to do it, the doctor who performs it, and the politicians who make it legal. And don’t forget the voters who supported those politicians.

What can be done?

Mothers and fathers must be taught that the baby is a real person–the defenseless victim for whom the so-called “liberal left” claims to have such sympathy. The doctors should be tried for manslaughter and be sentenced accordingly. The politicians who support this barbaric practice should be ejected from office by their constituents.

If we can’t stand against abortion, we better speak of Adolf Hitler, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Jim Jones in a positive light. We should just “love” them. After all, they simply killed people for their own pleasure. Apparently, that’s not so bad.


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