Abortion – It IS About the Babies
It’s not about the babies. This catchphrase seems to be the latest slogan that supposedly eviscerates all pro-life arguments, which apparently is necessary in light …
It’s not about the babies. This catchphrase seems to be the latest slogan that supposedly eviscerates all pro-life arguments, which apparently is necessary in light …
When we read the Bible about salvation, we may get a little confused. In some cases, faith is required. In other cases, it seems to …
There is an attack today on the idea of Penal Substitutionary Atonement, especially with the growth of so-called Progressive Christianity. Penal Substitionary Atonement is the …
In Romans 14, Paul commanded the Christians to “Receive one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things” (Romans 14:1). …
What does it really mean to love? In our society, I think we have lost our understanding of what love really is. Our culture tends …
What should I look for in a church? If you have ever asked that question, good for you! Too many folks simply show up at …
How inclusive is FBC Orlando? On February 6, 2022, associate pastor Danny de Armos kicked off a series called “We Are.” In it he claimed …
Why do you believe the message of Jesus? Your answer to this question just might betray whether or not you subscribe to soteriological determinism, known …
One short passage; two huge controversies. That, I think, is a fitting description for the infamous section of Scripture that we call I John 5:7-8. …
Is the gospel hidden from those whom God has not elected for salvation? It may seem so when we read these verses: But even if …