Want to order a signed copy directly from Ben? Email ben@benhammond.org for instructions ($10 + $4 S&H).
In June of 2015, the United States Supreme Court announced its landmark ruling in the controversial Obergefell vs. Hodges case. With one drop of the gavel, the Court effectively struck down state laws prohibiting gay marriage. Across the country, many celebrated while others grieved.
This pivotal decision left church leaders with two important questions. First, how could this happen? The collective moral conscious of Americans must have shifted dramatically for a ruling like this not only to take place, but to be so widely celebrated by many both inside and outside the church.
Second, what do we do now? This question raises several others. How do we help our congregations understand moral truth? What do we do when secular laws differ from God’s commands? How can we legally protect our churches from lawsuits regarding the free exercise of our religious beliefs? What about our tax-exempt status? Shouldn’t we avoid sounding too political?
In this book, Dr. Ben Hammond explores these questions and offers practical suggestions for church leaders. He approaches the topic not with animosity toward proponents of the LGBTQ lifestyle, but with a desire to assist pastors and other leaders in preparing their churches for the collision between biblical morality and a gender-confused culture.
An Inevitable Collision is derived from Ben’s doctor of ministry project and revised with the goal of providing practical advice for church leaders.
Recommended Resources
Note: Inclusion on this page is not necessarily an endorsement of the organization or work. This list is meant to assist in further study on the subject matter of An Inevitable Collision.
Sample documents
Sample facility use agreement
Sample pastor’s marriage policy
Apologetic organizations (Defending biblical truth)
Cross Examined (crossexamined.org)
Stand to Reason (str.org)
Organizations that defend biblical morality and religious liberty
Alliance Defending Freedom (adflegal.org)
American Family Association (AFA.net)
Family Research Council (frc.org)
Liberty Counsel (lc.org)
Tax exemption and churches
Should Churches Be Tax Exempt?
Erik Stanley, Alliance Defending Freedom