Eastlake Ministries


At Eastlake, we are passionate about helping kids learn to become disciples of Jesus Christ. Here are some of the ministries we have available for children:

  • Nursery (during services)
  • Sunday School (Sundays @ 9:15 AM)
  • Junior Church (Sundays @ 10:30 AM)
  • AWANA (2 years old to 6th grade)
  • Vacation Bible School


The ECHO Youth Group at Eastlake is led by the fearless CJ Briner. They meet every Sunday at 6:00 PM and every Wednesday at 6:30 PM.


The SOS (Souled Out Sisters) of Eastlake meet every third Tuesday of the month in the Eastlake gym.

A group of Eastlake ladies also meets every Tuesday morning to make quilts to send to underprivileged families.


The men of Eastlake Baptist Church enjoy spending time encouraging one another.  The EBC men’s group meets once each month, on a rotating basis, for breakfast or dinner.  After a meal, the men hear a devotion from either a guest speaker or another member of the church.  The guys also participate in fun outings that help foster great relationships!

Keenagers (Senior Citizens)

The Keenagers ministry meets the fourth Thursday of each month for a fellowship meal in the church gym. If you’re interested in attending, please bring a covered dish or dessert by noon and join right in with the fellowship!

Sunday School

Sunday School is available for kids up to age 18 during the adult Connection Group time (Sundays 9:15 – 10:15 AM). Our outstanding teachers will help your children grow in the faith as you fellowship with one of our Connection Groups.

Connection Groups

Our Connection Groups are designed to be the nucleus of all that happens at Eastlake. It’s easy to get lost in the crowd, but when you meet with your group at 9:15 AM on Sundays you will experience close-knit fellowship and take part in a Bible study. Your Connection Group is your connection to Eastlake.

Don’t have a Connection Group? Show up on Sunday morning and someone will help you get plugged in.