Jesus is better than the angels (Hebrews 1:5-2:4)

Many people make it a hobby to collect little angel figurines. But do those cute little decorations accurately depict angels? Well…no. But that’s not my point. Hebrews 1:5-2:4 discusses angels, but for the purpose of showing that Jesus is better than them.

The recipients of Hebrews were being tempted to walk away from Jesus and go back to the religious activities of the Law. The writers emphatically says, “No! Don’t do it!” God gave the Law to Moses through angels as mediators, so it was a good thing–but not as good as Jesus.

Jesus is better than anything in the Law, because He is the fulfillment of the Law. The author asks an important question: If the word spoken by angels (the Law) brought punishment for those who rejected it, how shall we escape if we reject the better message of Jesus?

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